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European Antiques & Vintage items /Contemporary Art
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Table lamp high size porcelain very original and different

Nuestro Precio: 0,00 €
Table lamp high size porcelain very original and different
Table lamp high size porcelain very original and different
Table lamp high size porcelain very original and different
Table lamp high size porcelain very original and different
Table lamp high size porcelain very original and different

working perfectly

 It may be a unique piece

 This lamp has a second light in the lower inner part.
 Your light comes out through the holes
This lamp has a second light on the inner bottom.
Your light comes out of the holes

 If you want to buy this beautiful Bookends game, follow this link.
Thank you very much for your purchase, I hope you enjoy them as much as I did when I discovered them
 * The final price is in euros. The price in dollars is approximate, variant depending on the change of the day

 Porcelain table lamp of large size Manises very original and different

Size: H 28,26 W12,20  In H72 W31 cm

Table lamp high size porcelain Manises very original and different

-National Rate (1C)

(1B-) Spain peninsular and Balearic Islands and Portugal 17,13 €

-International rate (C-)

 (C-) Medium size, normal weight max. 15 kg

- Switzerland ,Sweden and Denmark  99,27€

-France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Italy, Luxembourg

 United Kingdom 76,23 €

-United States and Canada 135,15 €

-Australia and New Zealand 179,08 €

* Other destinations consult

 * Remember this information to manage the next step in your purchase process.(Rates according to destination in the next step,remember the previous codes)





Sobre Nosotros /About us

My name is Nuria Rabanillo de la Fuente, Contemporary Artist, owner for many years of my own Art Studio in Mombuey Zamora, in a building that is popularly known as La Josa. In 2014, after my return from NY, I opened together to my sisters, a virtual store attached to my Studio, La Josa Shop, is the virtual store of Studio La Josa that sells through international platforms -La Josa Shop sells vintage and antique items from the 19th and 20th centuries, but it is evolving More and more I intend to turn it into an open door for sales of my Art and possibly others.If you are…

C/ Villacastín, 22 . 49310 - Mombuey (Zamora) Spain

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En cumplimiento de lo establecido en la Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal, le informamos que cuantos datos personales nos facilite serán incluidos en un fichero automatizado de datos de carácter personal, creado y mantenido bajo la responsabilidad de Nuria Rabanillo de la Fuente.

La finalidad de dicho fichero es facilitar la tramitación de los pedidos y, en el caso de que nos haya autorizado expresamente en la casilla correspondiente, también para enviarle comunicaciones comerciales sobre productos y servicios que pueden resultar de su interés.

Los clientes de La Josa Shop podrán en todo momento ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición, comunicándolo por correo electrónico a o por escrito a:

Nuria Rabanillo de la Fuente - 11959529N
Ctra/ Villacastin Nº 22 Bajo
49310 - Mombuey (Zamora) España